东京大学(日本),学际情报学府 学际信息学博士
Kent State University(美国),传播研究院 传播学硕士
中国传媒大学,广告学院 广告学硕士
华东师范大学,传播学院 广告学学士
E,Q.*, Sakura, O. & Li, G. (2021). Mapping the field of misinformation correction and its effects: A review of four decades of research. Social Science Information, 60(4), 522-547. doi:10.1177/05390184211053759 (SSCI)
E,Q.* & Sakura, O. (2020). Who is responsible for causing and solving the problem? Responsibility attribution of medical disputes in Chinese print media. In- ternational Journal of Health Services, online publication in advance. doi:10.1177/00207314209409575 (SSCI)
E,Q.* & Goodall, C. E. (2018). Creating demand for abortion service: A content analysis of Chinese television abortion advertisements. Asian Women, 34(4), 25-51. doi:10.14431/aw.2018. (SSCI)
Li, G.*, E,Q., Li, J., & Li, X. (2022). What influences our recall of the use of social media and smartphones? An exploratory study based on a sample of Chinese iPhone users. International Journal of Mobile Communication. (SSCI)
E,Q.* (2022). How news topic shapes viewer responses: A content analysis of COVID-19 debunking news and its comments on Sina Weibo. Paper accepted by the 105th annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), August 3 to 5, Detroit, USA.
Li, G., Li, J., & E,Q. (2021). What influences our recall of the use of social me- dia and smartphones? An exploratory study based on a sample of Chinese iPhone users. Paper accepted by the 71st Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA), May 27 to 31, Virtual Conference.
E,Q.* (2020). Misinformation correction and its effects: A systematic literature re- view. Paper accepted by the 103rd annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), August 6 to 9, Virtual Conference.
E,Q.* (2019). Framing medical disputes: Attribution of responsibilities in Chinese print media, 2012-2017. Paper accepted by the 17th annual conference of the Inter- national Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), July 7 to 11, Madrid, Spain.
E,Q.* (2018). Different perceptions on the impacts of “China’s Rise” among elite college students from Mainland China and Hong Kong: The moderating role of Asian identity. Paper abstract accepted by the international symposium “Global Asia in Interdisciplinary Perspectives: Sustainability, Security, and Governance”, November, Singapore.
E,Q.* (2018). Talking about medical disputes: News framing of who is responsible for causing and fixing the problem in Mainland China. Paper accepted by the 68th annual meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA), May, Prague, the Czech Republic.
E,Q.*, & Goodall, C. E. (2016). Creating demand for abortion service: A con- tent analysis of Chinese television abortion advertisements. Paper presented in the 66th annual meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA), June, Fukuoka, Japan.
E,Q.*, & Chen, X. (2015). E-mail, telephone, and face-to-face communication: Workplace communication taking place in Chinese multinational companies and do- mestic companies. Paper presented in the international conference of Communica- tion/Culture and the Sustainable Development Goals (CCSDG), December, Chiang- mai, Thailand.
主持 2022年度上海市高层次人才引进青年项目(在研)
主持 2022年度上海市哲学社会科学规划年度课题 (2022ZXW002)(在研)
参与2021年度北京市哲学社会科学规划一般项目 (21JCC119)(在研)
主持2017年度东京大学博士研究基金 (49177504)(已结项)