中国风景园林学会会员,中国地理学会会员,《Humanities and Social Sciences Communications》、《BMC Geriatrics》、《GeoHealht》、《Aging and mental health》、《BMC Public Health》、《The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher》、《Frontiers in Public Health》、《Australasian Journal on Ageing》、《地理研究》、《青年研究》等期刊评审专家。受邀担任nature旗下期刊《Scientific Reports》期刊编委。
2021-2024 国家社科基金一般项目,积极老龄化视域下农村人居环境影响老年人健康的机制与对策研究,项目批准号:21BRK020,主持。
2020-2023 教育部人文社科规划基金项目,积极老龄化视域下社区环境对老年人健康的影响机制研究,项目批准号:20YJAZH140,主持。
2019-2021 国家自科基金面上项目,“共享建筑学”的时空要素及表达体系研究,项目批准号:51678412,参与。
2015-2018 国家自科基金重大项目,整体性治理———应对老龄社会的公共政策和公共管理体系重构研究,项目批准号:71490735,参与。
1. The influence of residential facilities on depression and frailty of the elderly in rural China: Evidence from the China health and retirement longitudinal study. Frontiers of Architectural Research. 2024.7.(AHCI)(一区top,建筑设计类top1)
2. The influence of university library environment on student interactions and college students’ learning engagement. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications. 2024.3.(AHCI)(nature子刊)
3. The socioeconomic status of adult children, intergenerational support, and the well-being of Chinese older adults.Humanities & Social Sciences Communications. 2023,10.(AHCI)(nature子刊)
4. Dormitory environment, learning engagement, and mental health of college students: an empirical study based on survey data from 45 universities, Journal of Green Building, 2024.2.(AHCI)
5. Perceived neighborhood walkable environment, neighborhood interaction and mental health among residents of different age groups: a case study in Shanghai, China. Open House International,2024.1(AHCI)
6. The influence mechanism of community-built environment on the health of older adults: from the perspective of low-income groups, BMC Geriatrics, 2022.12. (SSCI 2区Top)
7. The Association Between Teacher Competence and College Students’ Academic Achievement: The Mediating Role of College Students’Mental Health. Asia-Pacific Education Researcher. 2024.5. (SSCI)
8. Social media use and mental health of urban residents during China’s second COVID-19 outbreak.Frontiers in Public Health, 2022.12. (SSCI)
9. Campus outdoor environment, learning engagement, and the mental health of college students during the COVID-19 pandemic: From the perspective of students in different grades.Frontiers in Public Health. 2023.4. (SSCI)
10. 8.Group Differences: The Relationship between Social Media Use and Depression during the Outbreak of COVID-19 in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022.10. (SSCI)
11. Campus Green Spaces, Academic Achievement and Mental Health of College Students. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022.7. (SSCI)
12. The Relationship among Community Environment, Behavior, Activity Ability, and Self-Rated Health of Older Adults: A Hierarchical and Multi-Dimensional Comparative Study, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021.7.(SSCI)
13. Age Differences in the Influence of Residential Environment and Behavior on the Life Quality of Older Adults: The Transfer from Physical-Environment to Social-Behavior. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021.1. (SSCI)
14. Zhenhua Zheng and Hong Chen. Age sequences of the elderly’ social network and its efficacies on well-being: an urban-rural comparison in China. BMC Geriatrics. 2020.12. (SSCI 2区Top)
15. The Enigma of Gender Differences in an Environment-Behavior-Health Model of Elderly People: The Choice Between Individually and Sociality. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020.5. (SSCI)
16. Transfer of Health Support to Older Adults with Age: From Physical Environment to Interpersonal Environment and Social Participation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019.8. (SSCI)
17. Neighborhood Environment, Lifestyle and Health of Older Adults: Comparison of the Age Groups Based on Ecological Model of Aging. Sustainability. 2019.4.(SSCI)
18. 社区环境对老年人行为与健康的影响研究——不同年龄阶段老年人的群组比较. 地理研究. 2019.6.(CSSCI)
19. 隐喻主义视角下海上丝绸之路博物馆展示设计研究. 设计. 2024.2.