



研究方向:1)神经设计学 2)人因工程 3)智能交互

发布时间:2021-10-14 浏览次数:5831





2015~2018    面向用户认知的数字界面信息网络设计,江苏省科技厅,主持,结题

2016~2019     面向飞行任务域的座舱数字界面设计研究,航空科学基金委,主持,结题

2019~     面向飞行员认知的大视景增强平显虚实注册机理研究,航空科学基金委,主持,在研

2018~2020     面向复杂信息系统的人机交互信息可视化设计与决策关联机制研究,国家自然科学基金委,参与,排名3,结题

2018~2019     信息化武器装备人机交互数字界面设计脑机制研究,中央军委装备发展部,参与,排名4,结题

2020~     任务驱动的多机信息智能推送显示系统,航空科学基金委,参与,排名2,在研

2021~   数字化地标与城市形象的融合机理与实践策略研究,上海市哲社办,主持,在研



(1) Zhou L , Ma J , X Zhou, et al. Which is better for concept visualization? Shape or spirit similarity: Evidence from event-related potentials[J]. Neuroscience Letters, 2021, 749:135755. (SCI)

(2)Lei Zhou; Kun Li; Zhongwu Li; Pinyao He; Kabin Lin; Jingwen Mo; Jian Ma*; Detection of DNA homopolymer with graphene nanopore, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 2019, 37(6): 061809-1-061809-8. (SCI)

(3) 周蕾 ; 薛澄岐*; 王海燕; Yingjie Victor Chen; 牛亚峰,数字界面微观信息结构的有序度分析, 东南大学学报(自然科学版), 2016.11.20, (06): 1209~1213. (EI期刊)

(4) Lei Z , Xue C , Wang H , et al. Cognitive Relevance Mechanism Analysis of DHCI Structure and Composition[C]// International Conference on Engineering Psychology & Cognitive Ergonomics. Springer International Publishing, 2016. (CPCI,EI)

(5) 周蕾 ; 薛澄岐*; 汤文成; 李晶; 牛亚峰, 产品信息界面的用户感性预测模型,计算机集成制造系统, 2014.3.15, (03): 544~554 (EI期刊)

(6) Zhou L , Xue C Q , Tomimatsu K . Research of Interface Composition Design Optimization Based on Visual Balance[J]. Advances in Intelligent Systems & Computing, 2014, 279:483-493. (CPCI,EI)

(7) 周蕾 ; 薛澄岐*; 汤文成; 李晶; 牛亚峰, 界面元素布局设计的美度评价方法, 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2013.5.15, (05): 758~766  (EI期刊)

(8) 周蕾; 薛澄岐 *; 汤文成; 王海燕; 吴闻宇; 高速列车座椅外观设计特征-风格映射机制的推理方法, 东南大学学报(自然科学版), 2013, 43(04): 771-776. (EI期刊)

(9) Ziyin Zhao, Lei Zhou*, Tongtong Zhang. Intelligent Recommendation System for Eyeglass Design [M]. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Springer International Publishing. 2020:402-411. (EI)

(10) Cheng Guan, Lei Zhou*, Tongtong Zhang, et al. Research on Color Stratification in Dynamic Environment: Frequency Domain Analysis of Delta, SMR and Theta EEG Rhythms [M]. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Springer International Publishing. 2020:319-324. (EI)

(11) Maoping Chi, Lei Zhou*. Research on Readability of Adaptive Foreground in Dynamic Background [M]. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Springer International Publishing. 2020:1244-1249. (EI)

(12) Xi Wenqing, Zhou Lei*, Chen Huijuan, et al. Research on the Brain Mechanism of Visual-Audio Interface Channel Modes Affecting User Cognition[C]//9th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE) / International Conferences on Neuroergonomics, Cognitive Engineering, Cognitive Computing and Internet of Things. 2019:196-204. (CPCI,EI)

(13) Xi Wenqing, Zhou Lei*, Ma Xingyuan, et al. Study on the Influence Mechanism Between Ordinal Factors and Cognitive Resource Consumption[C]//9th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE) / International Conferences on Neuroergonomics, Cognitive Engineering, Cognitive Computing and Internet of Things. 2019:344-352. (CPCI,EI)

(14) Hu Yu, Xue Chengqi, Wang Haiyan, Zhou Lei*. Research on foreground color adaptive system of aircraft head-up display based on the background real-time changes[C]//19thInternational Conference on Human–Computer Interaction, HCI International 2017. 2017:443-451. (EI)



(1) 中国商业联合会科学技术奖全国商业科技进步奖三等奖 2018

(2) 中国商业联合会科学技术奖全国商业科技进步奖三等奖 2019